Raising your vibration and Self development


My top 5 on books about self development and raising your vibration

1 Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

2 Conversations with god by Neale Donald Walsch

3 Breaking the habit of being yourself by Joe Dispenza

4 Letting go by David Hawkins

5 The law of attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks


If you're not a big fan of reading books, simply just look the authors up on youtube and you will find plenty of good stuff on there. For example if you like to know more about the law of attraction, look Abraham Hicks up on youtube, there is plenty of recordings of her teachings. Bob Proctor is also great in explaining about the law of attraction and how to raise your vibration. Aaron Doughty has also giving me plenty of knowledge about raising my vibration and law of attraction. You can find him on youtube as well.


If you're someone who is like, yeah yeah, law of attraction and all of that spiritual "woowoo" stuff is fun but it's not scientifically backed up. I've got news for you. It definitely is. Look up Joe Dispenza, he is a neuroscientist and has been studying and researching this subject for many years. He can back up everything scientifically. Also Bruce lipton for example is a biologist and has done lots of research on how the environment of your body (emotional state and thinking) influences your genes and changes your biology. They both have written books you can read or just look them up on youtube. 


Now if you're someone that loves netflix I've got good news for you, even there you can find a lot of great documentaries about self development, health and law of attraction. 

1. Heal 

This is a great documentary to learn more about our health and how our thinking and behaviour influences our health

2. The Secret

The secret will explain everything to you about the law of attraction 

3. I am not your guru

Tony Robbins a succesfull well known life coach who will teach you about life and will give you lots of inspiration.


If you like to dive in this deeper, get yourself signed on at Gaia. This is similair to netflix but based on spirituality, the secrets of the universe, yoga, things like that. You can sign up for a free trial. 


If you like to take it a step further and gain more control over your body and mind(set) I would suggest to you to look up Wim Hof. Wim hof is well known as "The iceman". He got his nickname by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure including: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle barefoot, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes.Using “cold, hard nature” as his teacher, his extensive training has enabled him to learn to control his breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures.

He uses the wim hof method to teach others to do the same. It's all about getting a strong mindset and becoming more in control by embracing the present moment while exposing our bodies to extreme colds. His breathing techniques will help you to change the chemical balance in your body and this has a lot of health benefits as well as going in to the ice. If you like to learn more, simply look him up on youtube our go read one of his books. A great documentary to watch on youtube is, Becoming super human with the iceman by Yes theory. 

If you really want to learn and study a lot of different things and aspects about self development, look up Mindvalley on social media, youtube or just visit their website. They have so many self development courses and also free web classes that you can watch to get yourself educated. There is something there for everyone. It is a big platform with lots of good education. 


These are just some of the things I use in my daily life to get inspiration and to keep focused on being my best self. If you like to know more or need any more explaination you're free to contact me :)


Here is some content about the law of attraction. An inspirational conversation between Oprah and Michael Beckwith. 

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”